Sony launched its flagship phone the Xperia Z3 in India yesterday for Rs 51,990 while LG’s flagship device was launched in July for Rs 47,990. We have already reviewed the Z3 and the LG G3 and now we are bringing you the comparison gallery of these two flagship smartphones.
The Xperia Z3 sports a 5.2-inch (1920 x 1080 pixels) Triluminos Display while the LG G3 has a 5.5-inch (2560×1440 pixels) Quad HD IPS display at 538 ppi. The former measures 7.3mm thick and weighs 152 grams while the latter measure 9.1mm thick and weighs 151 grams.
The Xperia Z3 has a 2.2MP front-facing camera with 1080p video recording while the LG G3 comes with a 2.1MP front-facing camera.
Both the devices have on screen touch buttons and no physical buttons. The Xperia Z3 has a microphone / speaker grill below the display.
The Xperia Z3 has the trademark aluminium power button at the center on the right side of the device with the micro SD card slot and the volume rockers. While the LG G3 has no keys or buttons on the sides.
The Z3 has the microUSB port along with a dock connector on the left side while LG G 3 is plain.
The Xperia Z3 has no buttons at the back while the LG G3 has the power button and volume rockers.
The Xperia Z3 has a 20.7MP Primary Camera with Exmos RS sensor, 4K video recording while the LG G3 comes with 13MP rear camera with OIS, Dual LED Flash, Laser Auto Focus and 4K video recording.
A 3.5mm audio jack is present on the Xperia Z3 at the top along with a secondary microphone. While the LG G3 has IR LED for Quick Remote and a secondary microphone on the top.
There is nothing at the bottom of the Z3 while the LG G3 has a micro USB port, the 3.5mm audio jack and the primary microphone.
The back of the Xperia Z3 is made of glass panel while the LG G3 is made of plastic that looks like a metal.
The back cover of Z3 cannot be removed while the LG G3 has a removable back cover and a removable battery. The former comes with a 3100 mAh non removable battery with STAMINA mode while the G3 comes with a removable 3000 mAh battery with Qiwireless charging.
The Xperia Z3 has 3GB RAM, 16GB internal memory, Upto 128GB expandable memory via microSD card while the LG G3 comes in 2GB / 3GB RAM, 16GB / 32GB internal memory options and has an expandable memory upto 128GB via micro SD card. Z3 runs on latest Android KitKat 4.4.4 while the G3 was lunched on KitKat 4.4.2.
The Z3 comes in Black, White, Green and Copper colors while the G3 is available in Metallic Black, Silk White and Gold Shine.