Motorola FM Radio updated with Bluetooth listening, notification and lock screen controls

Motorola has updated its FM Radio app to version 01.10.0060 that brings support for Bluetooth listening when your Motorola smartphone is paired with a Bluetooth headset or a speaker. Since Motorola smartphones doesn’t come with an internal antenna for FM, your headset acts as the antenna for FM, so it must be plugged in even if you are listening to FM via Bluetooth. Once paired, you can press the cast button to play FM over Bluetooth.

This is a completely new feature that is not commonly seen in FM Radio apps. The update brings option to start / stop and seek FM Radio from the notification screen when it’s running in the background and also play, seek or stop from the lockscreen. It also includes fixes to issues when scanning frequencies in  Colombia, South America regions and some stability fixes.

Motorola is one of the few companies that has a separate app for FM Radio so that they can easily update it with new features, instead of pushing out a software update. You can update the Motorola FM Radio by heading to the Google Play Store on your Motorola smartphone.

Srivatsan Sridhar: Srivatsan Sridhar is a Mobile Technology Enthusiast who is passionate about Mobile phones and Mobile apps. He uses the phones he reviews as his main phone. You can follow him on Twitter and Instagram
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