Microsoft today launched the Nokia Lumia 730 Dual SIM, Lumia 930 and Lumia 830 in India. In addition, the company has launched its recently announced Lumia HD 10 Screen Sharing accessory in India for Rs 5,999.
Lumia HD-10 allows users to tap their phone on it and share their screen to other device. Content ranging from photos, videos, music, movies, games and more can be shared to other device by using the Lumia HD-10. The device is 80 mm in diameter, 21 mm in thickness and weighs 115 g.
It can be connected to a large screen television via the HDMI cable and is powered by a Micro-USB. In addition there is a removable NFC disc that can identify your phone to the HD-10 and mirrors the content on the phone’s screen via Miracast technology. The Lumia HD-10 is only compatible with Lumia phones and available in white and black.