Sony introduced the SmartWatch 3 at the IFA last month, which would launch later this month. This this is the first Android Wear Smartwatch to come with built-in GPS support. Google has announced a new Android Wear update that would make use of GPS in the Sony SmartWatch 3 and also brings offline music playback in all the Android Wear watches.
With the GPS sensor in the smartwatch, you can track your route, distance and speed without connecting it to your smartphone. Offline music playback lets you store your music on your watch and listen to it via Bluetooth headphones without your smartphones. Latest version of Google Play Music supports this. Google recommends Golfshot: Golf GPS and My Tracks that now have GPS support for Android Wear.
The LG G Watch, the Samsung Gear Live, and the Moto 360 will be updated with new music functionality over the next few days, says Google.