Samsung usually launches Exynos variant of their flagship devices in India, but this time it decided to launch the Snapdragon variant of the Note 4 smartphone. We recently brought you the unboxing of the Octa-Core Exynos variant (SM-N910C) of the Note 4, here we have the Snapdragon 805 variant (SM-N910G) for unboxing.
Box Contents
The box contents are similar to the Exynos variant. These include,
- Samsung Galaxy Note 4 in frost white color
- In-ear headset with earbuds
- AC charger
- micro USB cable
- Accesories for S Pen stylus
- 3200mAh Battery
- Warranty card and user manual
Check out more images of the box contents
Samsung has mentioned on the box that the product is for sale in India only, so it must be activated only using Indian operators. To use SIM cards from other regions, cumulative calls overs five minutes must first be made from the Indian operators. As mentioned in the box, the MRP of the smartphone is Rs. 61,500, while the MOP is Rs. 58,300.
The Note 4 has a 5.7-inch (1440 x 2560 pixels) QHD Super AMOLED display. The display looks brilliant. There is the Samsung’s signature home button below the display. The smartphone has a metal rim around. It has a 3.7-megapixel front-facing camera with f/1.9 aperture.
It has a 16-megapixel rear camera with Smart OIS, Heart Rate with S Health 3.5. The texture on the back cover is different from the Note 3. There is a 4G branding on the back cover that was not present in the Exynos variant.
Srivatsan contributed to this report