YouTube debuts WatchMe for Android, brings live broadcasting to apps

YouTube has released a new open source project that will allow developers to integrate live streaming into their apps. Dubbed as WatchMe, the project is available on GitHub.

Google has added a reference app for developers who can customize it as per their needs. More third-party developers will be able to offer video streaming features similar to Sony’s Live on YouTube by – Xperia and HTC’s upcoming RE camera. YouTube Data API v3, YouTube Live Streaming API, Google Play Services and Plus API.

Steps to start using the WatchMe app-

  • Sync the Github repo
  • In your Google Developer Console,
  • Enable the Youtube Data API v3 and Google+ API.
  • Create a client ID for Android, using your SHA1 and package name.
  • Include cross-platform compiled streaming libraries.
  • Either
  • under src/main/jniLibs/armeabi,
  • or
  • another streaming library with modifying VideoStreamingInterface

posted YouTube on a company blog post.

Besides hosting live streaming sessions, the WatchMe app also allows users to share them via social networking sites including Google+. Finally, YouTube also says that deveopers could face some bugs as the open source project is in an experimental phase.

Sneha Bokil: Sneha Bokil is a tech enthusiast and is currently using OnePlus 3T but she still treasures her Nokia N70 (M). You can follow her on Twitter @snehabokil and on Google+
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