Blackberry 6.0 already in the making?

Just when BlackBerry 5.0 is getting its presence felt, reports of Blackberry 6.0 in the making have started cropping up.

However no details about this OS is yet known, except for the fact that it is still in nascent stage.

RIM is reportedly also working on an update to its OS 5.0 i.e. OS 5.2 which will be out anytime this year. However this is being perceived just as a minor update and will have no extra features.

What do you think will be the new features in Blackberry OS 6.0? Will it be just an update to OS 5.0 or will it be a complete revamped version of OS 5.0?

Pass on your views below.

(via BGR)

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Author: Vikas SN

A Complete Mobile freak. Regularly Blogs about Mobiles at and Tweets as @tsuvik