EE launches Micro Network for Rural Communities

EE has today announced the launch of its groundbreaking new micro network which is designed to connect more than 1,500 rural communities currently without 4G services by the end of 2017.

EE will use new micro network technology to achieve this and bring several otherwise-hard-to-reach areas up to scratch with the latest network coverage. The micro network technology wirelessly connects small mobile antennae to a suitable macro site without the need for expensive cabling and the technology makes it more viable for EE to roll out coverage to extremely rural areas.

Starting early next year, EE will use micro network technology to offer voice services and 3G/4G data connections available in communities currently struggling without reliable mobile or high speed broadband. Currently networks have to deploy expensive mobile masts in strategic locations to deliver network coverage in rural areas but EE’s micro network technology removes this requirement and improves the economics of providing service to rural communities.

The micro network can connect around 150 homes and businesses across a 0.5 square mile area with just three or four small antennae. An antenna can be installed on any building in mere hours and doesn’t require planning approval from local councils which speeds up the rollout process. Based on technology designed by Parallel Wireless, EE’s micro network will be in full deployment in early 2015.

EE CEO Olaf Swantee said:

“With this innovative new technology, we have the capability to connect every community in the UK, and we estimate that we’ll be able to bring reliable voice coverage and high speed mobile broadband to more than 1,500 places for the first time by 2017.

“We’ve been working closely with Government on the long-term ambition to bring voice coverage to more of the UK, and we believe that this world-first technology will demonstrate significant advancements against that vision.”

Nirave: Hey, I'm Nirave - based out of London, I'm the European Editor for FoneArena. I love travelling and can usually be found reading, playing with the latest tech or writing about travel and tech.
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