Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s tweet has been touted as the “Golden Tweet,” a.k.a. the most-Retweeted Tweet of the year in India in 2014. His election winning post was retweeted on Twitter more than 70,000 times and had more than 45,000 favorites.
Twitter has released the trends for 2014 similar to Facebook and Google. The fastest rising Twitter hashtag trends in India saw a mixture of sports, disasters and political campaigns. Conversations around the 2014 FIFA #WorldCup lead the trends followed by the disappearance of the Malaysian Airlines flight #MH370. Meanwhile, #Mufflerman, a campaign led by the fans of the Aam Aadmi Party in support of leader Arvind Kejriwal, gathered momentum towards the end of the year. Indians tweeted about the Manchester United Football Club #MUFC and also supported updates and relief measures on the #KashmirFloods relief operations.
“There has never been a better time to be on Twitter in India, with the experience of so many events – big and small – made even more compelling by Twitter. We also expect to see a surge in conversations around digital diplomacy and digital governance to connect politicians, ministries and citizens through live public conversations,”
Twitter Market Director (South and Southeast Asia) Rishi Jaitly told PTI.
Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, Amir Khan, Salman Khan and Prime Minister Narendra Modi were top 5 personalities with maximum followers. Rohit Sharma’s record-breaking 264 against Sri Lanka became the most talked about conversation on twitter, managing to overtake Rajnikanth’s message to his fans when he joined the network earlier in the year.
In case of global tweets, celebrity Ellen DeGeneres’ post of her selfie along with a host of Hollywood stars at the Oscars was retweeted more than 3.36 million times and favourited more than 2 million times making it the Golden Tweet.