Samsung develops Look at Me interactive app for children with Autism

Samsung has developed Look at Me, a training program that helps children with autism make eye contact. Samsung has partnered with Autism Speaks Canada to 200 Galaxy Tab S devices pre-loaded with the Look at Me app. This will be given to 200 families with children with autism. It has been designed to support meaningful connections between parents, caregivers, and their children, says Samsung.

Regarding the Look at Me Project, Samsung said:

The Look at Me Project hopes to facilitate meaningful connections between parents, caregivers, and their children. Parents will be encouraged to share the progress of their children using the app over the course of eight weeks. By actively engaging in the project through an online community forum, the hope is that families will benefit from the collective experience of the other participants.

The app aims to improve an individual’s ability to make eye contact. A multidisciplinary team of clinical psychologists, cognitive psychologists, and psychiatrists have dedicated their participation in developing the app curriculum. The app is currently under clinical testing to verify its effectiveness through research. The app keeps children motivated and highly concentrated by using the camera function of digital devices that often appeal to children’s interests.

It also features a point system, themed missions, various rewards, and visual or sound effects to keep children engaged. Levels can be customized based on the children’s achievements. Each mission in the app requires interaction between parents and their children to encourage positive relationships and connections. The app also gives feedback to parents on their children’s daily performance progress through a systematic parental dashboard.

The Look at Me app is available on Google Play. Check out the official video that explains how the interactive camera app works.


Srivatsan Sridhar: Srivatsan Sridhar is a Mobile Technology Enthusiast who is passionate about Mobile phones and Mobile apps. He uses the phones he reviews as his main phone. You can follow him on Twitter and Instagram
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