Google Earth Debuts on Android Platform

Google Earth has finally arrived on the Android Platform.

Previewed at the Nexus One launch, Google Earth for Android also features a new Roads Layer, where in, all the road labels are drawn on top of the map so that you exactly know where you are.

In addition, Google Earth for Android features Voice Recognition capabilities along with Google Voice Search and Local Search. i.e. If you say “Italian Food, Bangalore” , it will find out restaurants around Bangalore, who are serving Italian Food.

Also you can see the photos, places, and local businesses, whether it is in your local community or on the far side of the globe and click on an icon to see photos, videos, and read about prominent places in the world similiar to other Google Earth Versions.

Google Earth is currently available in Android Market and supports all the devices that run on Android 2.1+.

To Install Google Earth on your Android Phone, search for “Google Earth” in Android Market and Click Install.

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Author: Vikas SN

A Complete Mobile freak. Regularly Blogs about Mobiles at and Tweets as @tsuvik