HTC has finally started rolling out Android 5.0.1 (Lollipop) update for the HTC One (M8) users in India. It started rolling out to the update for unlocked smartphones in several countries few weeks back. Recently HTC said the One M7 and One M8 will miss its 90 day Android Lollipop promise since their carrier versions of the One (M8) and One (M7) will not meet 90 day goal, which is February 1st.
The Changelog is similar to the v4.16.1540.8 update that rolled out for unlocked One M8 devices in the U.S and the HTC Sense version is still 6.0. Check out the changelog
Highlights in v4.18.720.8 update for HTC One (M8)
- Android 5.0 Lollipop
- Lock screen and Notification: New Lollipop UI style with enhanced privacy features
- Recent apps: Supporting multiple pages
- Addition of search function within settings
The Android Lollipop update (v4.18.720.8) for the HTC One (M8) is 574.17MB. Have you updated your HTC One (M8) to the latest Android version ? How was your experience?
Source: XDA Forum 1, 2