Qualcomm has announced Snapdragon 620, 618, 425 and 415 chipsets in their Snapdragon 600 and 400 lineup. All these chips have LTE support,including Global Mode RF360 support. The Qualcomm Snapdragon 620 is an octa-core chip with 4 ARM Cortex A72 CPUs and 4 ARM Cortex A53 and CPUs, and the Snapdragon 618 is a hexa-core chip with 2 ARM Cortex A72 CPUs and 4 ARM Cortex A53 and CPUs. Both the Qualcomm Snapdragon 425 and 415 are octa-core chips with 8 ARM Cortex A53 64-bit CPUs. Both these have Adreno 405 GPU.
Highlights of Qualcomm Snapdragon 620 and 618 SoCs
- Snapdragon 620: Octa-Core – Quad 1.8GHz ARM Cortex A72 + Quad 1.4GHz A53 CPUs
- Snapdragon 618: Hexa-Core – Dual 1.8GHz ARM Cortex A72 + Quad 1.4GHz A53 CPUs
- Integrated X8 LTE, with Global Mode LTE FDD, LTE TDD, WCDMA (DC-HSPA+, DC-HSUPA), CDMA1x, EV-DO, TD-SCDMA and GSM/EDGE
- Cat 7 speeds of up to 300 Mbps down/100 Mbps up via 2×20 MHz carrier aggregation in the downlink and uplink on LTE FDD and LTE TDD
- Support for LTE Broadcast, LTE multimode dual SIM and VoLTE with HD Voice and SRVCC
- Next generation Qualcomm Adreno GPU
- Supports up to Quad High Definition (2560×1600) displays
- Dual ISPs can support up to 21MP ZSL at 24fps and 930MP/sec throughput
- 4K capture at 30fps, 1080p at 120fps, Hardware HEVC (H.265) encode and decode
- Miracast support for up to 1080p wireless display
- High-Fidelity 192kHz/24bit music playback
- Integrated Qualcomm VIVE 1-stream 802.11ac, Qualcomm IZat location services and Bluetooth 4.1 solutions
Highlights of Qualcomm Snapdragon 425
- Quad-Core Cortex A53 up to 1.7GHz
- Integrated X8 LTE, with Global Mode supporting LTE FDD, LTE TDD, WCDMA (DC-HSPA+, DC-HSUPA), CDMA1x, EV-DO, TD-SCDMA and GSM/EDGE
- Cat 7 speeds of up to 300 Mbps down/100 Mbps up via 2×20 MHz carrier aggregation in the downlink and uplink on LTE FDD and LTE TDD
- Support for LTE Broadcast, LTE multimode dual SIM and VoLTE with HD Voice and SRVCC
- Adreno 405 GPU: OpenGL ES 3.1, OpenCL, DirectX 11.2, HW Tessellation, Geometry Shading
- Supports up to FHD 1080p displays, External displays supported
- Dual ISPs supports up to 21MP
- 1080p playback at 30fps with native HEVC, FHD 1080p H.264 capture
- Integrated 802.11ac (2.4/5.0GHz), Multi-User MIMO (MU-MIMO), Qualcomm IZat location services, Bluetooth 4.1 + BLE
Highlights of Qualcomm Snapdragon 415
- Octa ARM Cortex A53 up to 1.4GHz
- Integrated X5 LTE Global Mode modem, supporting LTE FDD, LTE TDD, WCDMA (3C-HSDPA, DC-HSUPA), CDMA1x, EV-DO, TD-SCDMA and GSM/EDGE
- Cat 4 download speeds of up to 150 Mbps
- LTE Broadcast and LTE multimode dual SIM
- Adreno 405 GPU: OpenGL ES 3.1, OpenCL, DirectX 11.2, HW Tessellation, Geometry Shading
- Supports up to HD 720p displays, External displays supported
- Single ISPs supports up to 13MP
- 1080p playback at 30fps with native HEVC, FHD 1080p H.264 capture
- Integrated 802.11ac (2.4/5.0GHz), Multi-User MIMO (MU-MIMO), Qualcomm IZat location services, Bluetooth 4.1 + BLE
The Snapdragon 415 chipset is sampling now and expected to be in commercial devices in first half of 2015. The Snapdragon 620, 618 and 425 processors are expected to be in commercial devices in the second half of 2015. Qualcomm plans to release Qualcomm Reference Design (QRD) versions of the these processors, with support for Qualcomm RF360 Front End Solution.