Official Meego Release for Nokia N900 in the works

The Nokia and Intel joined hands  for a open source platform called MeegoMeego is a combination Of Intel’s Mobiln and Nokia’s Maemo. The Meego official site has revealed that the first meego release for Nokia ARM based Nokia N900 and for Intel Atom based netbooks is coming soon.

Valtteri Halla, the Nokia member of the two-person Technical Steering Group (TSG) of MeeGo stated that

I guess this is something that finally will signify the real “Day One” of MeeGo project, a genuine merger of moblin and maemo. What is scheduled to be available then is the first and very raw baseline to a source and binary repository to build MeeGo trunk on Intel ATOM boards and Nokia N900.


We will get you more info when the baseline package is out. But looks like this release will be aimed at developers and not consumers. We’ll have to wait and see if Nokia releases a consumer upgrade for the N900 to MeeGo

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