With an aim to boost use of Android in enterprise market, Google has launched “Android for Work”. Google first announced Android for Work back at its I/O conference in June 2014, but is officially launching its products now.
“Today we’re announcing the Android for Work program to tap into that potential. With a group of partners, we’re helping businesses bring more devices to work by securing, managing and innovating on the Android platform.”
posted Rajen Sheth, Director of Product Management, Android and Chrome for Work, in a blog.
Main purpose of Android for Work is to allow employees to use both their personal apps and business apps on the same device while keeping both the business data secure and their personal data outside of the hands of their employees. The need for such enterprise apps has increased due to growing trend of “BYOD,” or “bring your own device.
Android for Work has four important components. First up is “Work Profiles” where the company has built on the default encryption, enhanced SELinux security enforcement and multi-user support in Android 5.0, Lollipop to create a dedicated work profile that isolates and protects work data. Next up is “Android for Work app” that will offer a secure solution for mail, calendar, contacts, documents, web browsing and more. Google has also announced “Google Play for Work”, allowing companies to manage their own app stores for Android smartphones. Finally, a number of built-in productivity apps have been created such as email, contacts and calendar, which supports both Exchange and Notes and provides document editing capabilities for documents, spreadsheets and presentations.
Google is also partnering with a range of companies, including those like AirWatch,Samsung, HTC, Motorola, Adobe, Box, Salesforce, Cisco, Citrix, BlackBerry and more that specialize in mobile device management.