Aircel has launched a new pack for Delhi users just in time for Holi. It offers Aircel to Aircel Roaming and STD calls at just 10p/min for new and existing customers every time they roam on the Aircel network. Is is available for new customers in Delhi at Rs. 95 with 30 days validity and for existing customers at Rs. 63 valid for 28 days.
Commenting on the launch, Anupam Vasudev, Chief Marketing Officer, Aircel, said:
We understand that a lot of our customers head to their homes, travel to meet their friends or go for holidays on the occasion of Holi. Therefore, we introduced this extremely affordable offer that will help them stay seamlessly connected and speak longer hours with their loved ones, even on roaming. It also brings us pride to launch another industry-first proposition that’s truly ground-breaking and we’re confident that it will truly bring ‘extra’ joy in the lives of all our customers.
With this, Aircel now offers all three services unlimited – Local, STD and Roaming – at 10 paise per minute.