Xiaomi announced the Redmi 2 in China in January this year while the White variant of the phone launched in India last month for Rs 6,999. We have already seen unboxing of the phone and gallery of the Black variant, here we have images of the white variant of the Redmi 2.
The Xiaomi Redmi 2 has a 4.7-inch HD screen present in Redmi and Redmi 1S, but this is powered by a 1.2GHz quad-core Snapdragon 410 64-bit SoC. Running on Android 4.4 (KitKat) with MIUI 6 on top, the phone comes with 1GB RAM, 8GB internal memory, micro SD support up to 32GB. It has a 2MP front-facing camera that supports 720P HD video recording and earpiece at the center. There are three red capacitive buttons below the display for menu, home and back.
The volume rockers and the power button is present on the right side of the phone.
The primary microphone and the micro USB slot is present at the bottom.
At the top we can see the 3.5mm audio jack.
The Redmi 2 has a 8MP rear camera with LED Flash with Omnivision sensor and supports 1080p video recording. Above the camera there is a secondary microphone while the loudspeaker grill is present on the right side of the camera lens.
The removable back cover has the Mi branding below.
The phone also comes with a 2200mAh removable battery. It has 2 micro SIM card slots and a micro SD card slot above the battery. Both the SIM cards support 4G LTE that includes TDD B40 2300MHz and FDD B3 1800MHz bands for India.
Images by Siraj