rolls out Sunday delivery is expanding its delivery portfolio and launching Sunday delivery. The e-commerce company already offers One day delivery, Two day delivery, Release day delivery and Midnight Delivery. has launched Sunday Delivery for residential addresses for all FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon) products at no extra cost across 100 cities in India. The company said that it will continue to expand the Sunday delivery promise to other cities.

“Providing our customers with a fast, reliable, anytime and anywhere delivery experience is one of our key pillars to ensure customer delight. With our Sunday Delivery promise, customers across 100 cities now have the benefit of getting uninterrupted deliveries of their orders through the week. We are very proud to be the first ones in India to offer Sunday Delivery at this scale. This capability now allows us to make faster and more accurate promises to customers,”

said Samuel Thomas, Director Transportation & Logistics, Amazon India.

Customers while placing an order can select an address marked as “Home” and see Sunday delivery promises during checkout. A customer ordering with One-Day delivery on Saturday and selecting a residential address will now see Sunday promises instead of Monday promises that were shown earlier. Subsequently, Sunday promises will show up during Checkout if the delivery promise falls over the weekend or if it’s the fastest that they can get their ordered item.

Sneha Bokil: Sneha Bokil is a tech enthusiast and is currently using OnePlus 3T but she still treasures her Nokia N70 (M). You can follow her on Twitter @snehabokil and on Google+
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