Asus Zenfone 2 (ZE551ML) was launched in India earlier this month at Rs. Rs. 19,999 for the 32GB and the 64GB variant was launched at Rs. 22,999. The company did not mention about the 128GB variant, now it’s listed on Flipkart at a price tag of Rs. 29,999. The 64GB and the 128GB variants of the Asus Zenfone 2 (ZE551ML) are listed as coming soon and the other variants are currently out of stock. This was spotted by
Apart from the internal storage, all the variants of Zenfone 2 ZE551ML share similar specifications that includes, 5.5-inch (1920 x 1080 pixels) display with Corning gorilla glass 3 protection, 2.3GHz quad-core Intel Atom Z3580 processor, 4GB RAM, microSD expansion slot, 13-megapixel rear PixelMaster camera with Real Tone flash, 5-megapixel front-facing camera, Android 5.0 (Lollipop), Dual SIM support, 4G LTE connectivity and a 3000mAh battery.
Asus is expected to restock the current Zenfone 2 variants soon, but it is not clear when the 64GB and the 128GB variants will go on sale.