Samsung took wraps off the Galaxy S6 at MWC 2015 in March this year. The company launched its flagship phone in India in the same month starting Rs 49,900. We have already seen the unboxing of the phone and now let’s compare the phone with other flagship phone the Apple iPhone 6 that was launched in September last year.
The Galaxy S6 sports a 5.1-inch Quad HD (2560×1440 pixels) 577 PPI Super AMOLED display and is powered by a Octa-Core ( Quad 2.1GHz + Quad 1.5GHz) Exynos processor. Running Android 5.0 (Lollipop), it has 3GB RAM and comes with 32GB, 64GB and 128 GB option. The iPhone 6 on the other hand sports a 4.7 inch screen with 1134 x 750 pixels. It is powered by a dual-core 1.4GHz processor with quad-core PowerVR GX6450 graphics along with 1GB RAM and comes in 16GB, 64GB or 128GB storage options.
Galaxy S6 has an earpiece, Samsung logo and array of sensors at the front along with the 5MP front facing camera on the right. While the iPhone 6 has a 1.2MP camera at the front along with sensors and earpiece.
Below the display, the Galaxy S6 has a trademark home button that also works as the fingerprint sensor. The iPhone 6 also has a physical home button, which is also fingerprint sensor.
The Samsung Galaxy S6 has volume rockers on the right side while the iPhone 6 has volume rockers and the lock switch.
The power button and nano SIM card slot is present on the left for the S6 while the iPhone has power button and nano SIM card slot on the left.
Both the phones have the 3.5mm audio jack, micro USB port/lightning port, microphone and loudspeaker grill is present on the bottom.
The S6 has IR LED for TV capabilities and a microphone on the top while the iPhone 6 has nothing. S6 measures 143.4 x 70.5 x 6.8mm and weighs about 138 grams while the iPhone 6 measures 138.1x67x6.9 mm and weighs 129 grams.
The Galaxy S6 has 2,550mAh battery and supports 4G LTE / 3G HSPA+, Wi-Fi 802.11ac (2X2 MIMO), Bluetooth 4.1 LE & apt-X, NFC. It costs 49,900 for the 32GB variant, Rs. 55,900 for the 64GB variant and the 128GB variant costs Rs.s 60,900. The Galaxy S6 is available in white pearl, black sapphire, gold platinum and blue topaz. The iPhone 6 on the other hand has 1,810mAh battery and costs INR 53,500 for 16GB, INR 62,500 for 64GB variant and the INR 71,500 for 128GB.