The luxury smartwatch runs Android Wear as its operating system and is accompanied by an LTE equipped variant that runs Web OS. This particular model won’t be making it’s way to India though. The LG Watch Urbane has a 1.3 inch (320 x 320 pixels) P-OLED display in a circular configuration. Internals include a 1.2GHz Snapdragon 400 processor, 512MB RAM, 4GB internal storage, a 410 mAh battery, a heart rate monitor, IP67 Dust and Water resistance and 22mm changeable watch straps. The smartwatch measures 45.5 x 52.2 x 10.9mm. Globally the Watch Urbane has been priced at $349 but Indian pricing has been set at an eye searing Rs. 29,990 with the MRP being Rs. 35,000. Follow through to the link below if you are interested in picking up the G Watch Urbane.
[Source – Amazon]