Huawei Honor launched its Honor AP007 13000 mAh Power Bank in India at Rs. 1,399. We brought you the hands on impressions and the photo gallery earlier this month, here we have the unboxing of the power bank.
Box Contents
- Huawei Honor AP007 13000 mAh Power Bank in Grey
- Micro USB cable
- User Guide
It has a metal unibody design, similar to the Xiaomi power bank. Huawei says that it has gone through rigorous reliability testing that includes 1 m Height Drop Test, Vibration and Shock Test, Salt Spray and Shell Pressure Test.
It has two USB ports to charge two devices at a time offering 5V-2A output. There is a micro USB slot to charge the power bank.
Huawei says that the power bank has intelligent sleep and energy saving mode to ensure optimized power consumption. The Honor AP007 is available exclusively through Flipkart.