Motorola Moto X (2nd Gen) has received a temporary price cut in India. All the variants of the Moto X (2nd Gen) get flat Rs. 8,000 off for a limited period. Motorola Moto G (2nd Gen) and Moto X (2nd Gen) received a temporary price cut last month. The company launched the 32GB variant of the Moto X (2nd Gen) in India back in December last year for Rs. 32999 At that time the 16GB variant got a price cut. It is also offering Rs. 7,000 discount on Nexus 6. Check out the new rates after price cut below.
Motorola Moto X (2nd Gen) after price cut
- Moto X (2nd Gen) 16 GB – Rs. 21,999 (from Rs. 29,999)
- Moto X (2nd Gen) Bamboo White 16 GB – 23,999 (from Rs. 31,999)
- Moto X (2nd Gen) 32 GB – Rs. 24,999 (from Rs. 32,999)
Google Nexus 6 after price cut
- Google Nexus 6 32 GB – 36,999 (from Rs. 43,999)
- Google Nexus 6 64 GB – 41,999 (from Rs. 48,999)
Moto G (2nd Gen) now retails for Rs. 10,999. Now you also get up to Rs. 5000 discount on exchange of your old smartphones on Flipkart when buying Moto G 2nd Gen. Up to Rs. 10,000 discount on Moto Turbo and up to Rs. 3,000 off on Moto E (2nd Gen) on exchange. The offer is available on 25th and 26th of May.
Flipkart also offers additional 10% discount for Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card holders buying these smartphones, Free Airtel 4G-ready SIM with the phone to convert your existing 3G SIM to a 4G SIM and double data on 3G and 4G for 2 months for both Airtel Prepaid and Postpaid customers.