Samsung recently launched Metro 3G, a budget phone for mobile phone users in India. There is nothing special in this phone, except the fact that it has a 3.15 megapixel camera and 3G connectivity. Samsung Metro 3G is the first device in the Metro range of phones to have 3G connectivity.
Samsung Metro 3G Features:
2.2 inches TFT screen,
240 x 320 pixels resolution,
900 mAh battery,
3.15 Mega-pixel camera with auto focus and smile detection,
Preloaded Gmail and Google Search,
Bluetooth 2.1,
USB 2.0,
GPRS and EDGE connectivity,
Video Editor,
Music player,
FM Radio with RDS,
QVGA Video Recording,
MicroSD card slot,
100MB internal memory,
16 GB expandable memory,
Social networking integration with live updates
Document viewer
Talk time upto 10 hours
Stand-by time upto 450 hours
Samsung Metro 3G have shortcuts for direct access to some of the most popular social networking site such as Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, Picasa and more. This handset is priced at Rs.8250, but it is currently available for around Rs.7000 in many cities across India.