Microsoft to shut down Skype for modern Windows on July 7

Skype Modern Windows

Microsoft has announced that it will shut down Skype for modern Windows or touch app after July 7th in favor of Skype for Windows desktop. The company says that this move is to simplify user’s PC experience down to one app. It will still work on Windows RT tablets.

Users will need to uninstall Skype for modern Windows and install Skype for Windows desktop after July 7th to access Skype. Anyone trying to access the modern application on PCs starting from July 7 forward will be automatically directed to download the desktop application, said the company.

Regarding the new move, Microsoft, on the official Skype blog, said:

With the upcoming release of Windows 10 for PCs, it makes sense to use the Skype application optimized for mouse and keyboards use, capable of doing touch as well rather than 2 separate applications performing the same function.

Microsoft recently announced that Skype Translator preview will be available on Skype for Windows desktop this summer. Skype integration for Windows 10 with Messaging, Phone and Skype video will be available later this year. This will let you quickly make a call or send a message.

Author: Srivatsan Sridhar

Srivatsan Sridhar is a Mobile Technology Enthusiast who is passionate about Mobile phones and Mobile apps. He uses the phones he reviews as his main phone. You can follow him on Twitter and Instagram