Guide : Blackberry Plans , Tariffs and Customer Support Numbers

FoneArena reader Anirudh is a Blackberry addict as you can see from above image he sent us. He has a shared a list of Blackberry Tips ,  Plans , Tariffs , Customers Support details including how to activate the Blackberry service on your handset.

Activating the service on blackberry.

1. Call helpline from your blackberry handset.

2. For registering your handset with the operator you need to send an sms eg :- airtelbb to 121.

3. An SMS will be received for which reply is mandatory eg (In Airtel):-Send bb1/bb2 for Rs 299 and Rs 899 plan respectively.

4. User will get a confirmation message that your plan has been activated .

Adding / configuring your email and messenger through Web Portal

1. Login to operator specific Portal

2. Enter username and password.. (Credentials will be provided by Customer care while creating account for your blackberry device)

3. Click on Set Up Account.

4. Enter a valid your username and password for a successful email account configuration.

5. A pop up will occur confirming you for the successful configuration.

6. Click on Help on the left panel (This is the most important step.) and a pop up will occur saying “Service Books Sent”

7. Sms will be delivered on your mobile phone confirm that your are connected to your blackberry services.

Note : 1. Messengers settings are automatically installed on your phone after configuring mails followed by clicking “HELP” , user need not to perform any special setup for that.

2. Once you change the password for any of  the mail (eg if you change yahoo password )you will not receive the mail for that mail account and user need to re configure your account for that particular account (Repeat the above process 1-7 ).

Downloading Messengers (GTalk , Yahoo , Windows Live , BlackBerry Messenger )

Your new blackberry handset comes without the messengers pre installed. So we need to install it from blackberry website.

Refer to for downloading your messenger

It gives you list of all messenger compatible with Blackberry handset

Click the messenger you want and it gives you 3 options to download your messenger on handset.

Choose the option “Download through your Desktop computer as its bit faster way to download” (keep your handset connected with PC while performing this action.)

For synchronization you need to have Blackberry Desktop software on your Pc which can be downloaded from

You can get unlimited applications like client for Facebook , Flickr etc free from blackberry app world  which can be downloaded from

Blackberry Plans , Tariffs

Plans Postpaid Data
BlackBerry Internet ServicesBottom of Form Rs. 249/- 15 paise per KB
Rs.499/- 500 KB*
Rs.1099/- Unlimited
BlackBerry Internet ServicesBottom of Form Rs.1099/- Unlimited
Pre and PostPaid
Blackberry Personal MailBottom of Form Rs 299/-Bottom of Form Unlimited
Handsets Curve 8900 , Bold 9000 , Curve 8520
Plans Postpaid Data
Advance Rental 6666 Rs 6666 /- Unlimited usage for 12 months
Advance Rental 4999 Rs 4999/- Unlimited usage for 7 months
Blackberry Data Plan 999 Rs 999/- free (local/national) & Rs 5.50 per 10 KB (international)
Blackberry Data Plan 499 Rs 499/- 500 Kb free then 10p /10 Kb (local/national) & Rs 5.50 per 10 KB (international)
Handsets Curve 8310, Curve 8320, Pearl 8120, Bold 9000, Curve 9000
Plans Postpaid Data
BlackBerry Internet Services Rs.1099/- Unlimited
Handsets Curve 8520 , Curve 8820 , Storm ,Bold 9000, Curve 8900, Bold 9700
Plans Postpaid Data
BlackBerry Prosumer Service (BBP) 1099 Rs 1099/- Unlimited
BlackBerry Prosumer Service (BBP) 499 Rs 499/- 500 KB free then 15p / KB
BlackBerry Prosumer Service (BBP) 299 Rs 299/- unlimited email and IM only*
Handsets Bold 9000, Curve 8520, Curve 8310 ,Curve 8900 ,Pearl 8100, Pearl 8220, Storm
Tata DoCoMo
Plans Postpaid Data
DO 899 Rs 899 unlimited (International Data charged at Rs.5.5 per 10 KB )
DO 299 Rs 299 unlimited email and IM only* (International Data charged at Rs.5.5 per 10 KB )
Handsets Bold 9000, Curve 8900, Curve 8520
Reliance GSM
Plans Postpaid Data
BlackBerry Enterprise Service (BES) Rs 899/- Unlimited Corporate/personal mails+Internet browsing+Instant Messaging
BlackBerry Internet Service (BIS) Rs 1099/- Unlimited personal mails+Internet browsing+Instant Messaging

Reliance E-Lite Rs 299/- Unlimited personal mails+Instant Messaging
Handsets Curve 8900 ,Pearl 8110

Blackberry Customer Care / Support

Operator Helpline Customer portal Email Support
Airtel 7070 (Airtel) / 9871427070 (Others)
Aircel 1255
Vodafone 55666 (Vodafone) / 99200 55666  (Others)
Tata DoCoMo 18004190121 ( toll free ) / 01166200121 (Others )
Reliance *363 (Reliance)  / 30336363 (Others)

Feel free to tell us if any data is missing or incorrect .

Author: Varun Krish

Varun Krish is a Mobile Technology Enthusiast and has been writing about mobile phones since 2005. His current phones include the Apple iPhone 16 Pro Max and Galaxy S25 Ultra. You can follow him on Twitter @varunkrish You can also mail Varun Krish