Nokia Bots Overview

A few days back, Nokia Beta Labs introduced something called as “Nokia Bots“.

So What is “Nokia Bots”? Well, Nokia Bots is effectively a collection of bots or add-ons that learn your personal preferences over time and then helps to improve the user experience with your daily routines on the phone. These Bots run on your homescreen and observe how you use your phone and then after some time, if it feels that you can benefit from some customization, they automatically configure it and activate themselves.

Currently there are 4 different kind of bots namely,

  • Profile Bot which helps you in automating the profile changes during meetings.
  • Alarm Bot which learns at what time you usually wake up, and then suggests alarms and profile changes accordingly.
  • Shortcut Bot which learns your preferences background and provides quick access to your most frequently used applications.
  • Battery Bot which lets you know if your battery needs to be charged in the evening before you go to sleep.

Currently available only on N97 and N97 Mini, this could well be the first steps from Nokia towards Mobile Automation.

To download Nokia Bots, just head over to its download page.


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Author: Vikas SN

A Complete Mobile freak. Regularly Blogs about Mobiles at and Tweets as @tsuvik