Apple has launched new iPod touch as expected. It has a faster 64-bit Apple A8 chip with the M8 motion co-processor for fitness tracking, compared to A5 chip in the previous generation. It also has a new 8-megapixel iSight camera with ƒ/2.4 aperture, LED flash, 1080p video recording and an improved 1.2MP front-facing camera with f/2.2 aperture and 720p video recording.
It has a faster 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi‑Fi and Bluetooth 4.1, but features the same 4-inch (1136 x 640 pixels) Multi-Touch IPS display at 326 pixel density. Apple launched Apple Music in 100 countries, including India few weeks back. It comes with a 3-month trial, after which it costs Rs. 120/month for a person and the family plan for up to six family members cost Rs. 190/month.
The new iPod touch comes in space grey, silver, gold, pink and blue colors and is priced at Rs.18,900 (inc VAT) for the 16GB model, Rs. 22,900 (inc VAT) for 32GB and Rs. 26,900 inc (inc VAT) for 64GB model. Apple has introduced new 128GB model for US$399 in the U.S., in addition to 16GB, 32GB and 64GB models that are priced at US$ 199, US$ 249 and US$ 299, respectively. The iPod shuffle and iPod nano are now available in blue, pink and gold variants, in addition to existing space grey and silver colors. The new iPod family in its five new colors are available through select Apple Authorised Resellers across India.
Commenting on the launch, Greg Joswiak, Apple’s vice president of iPhone, iPod and iOS Product Marketing, said:
iPod touch gives customers around the world access to Apple Music, the App Store and iOS, the world’s most advanced mobile operating system, starting at just INR 18,900. With big advancements like the A8 chip and the 8 megapixel iSight camera, customers can experience next-level gameplay, take even more beautiful photos and enjoy their favourite music, TV shows and movies.