Uber started testing cash payment option in Hyderabad in May this year. Now the company has announced that it has started testing cash payment option in four more cities – Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Jaipur and Kochi in India for uberGO and uberX rides. Inside the Uber app there will be an an option to select CASH as a payment option, which must be selected before the ride. You don’t need a minimum balance in your Paytm wallet to be able to book rides with cash as payment option.
Since cash payments is still in testing it will be a phased roll out for users across these cities over the next one week. The insight we gain from your usage and feedback is what will make this a successful experiment, said the company.
Uber recently started accepting Indian credit cards for payments again with 2 Factor Authentication powered by MobiKwik. Uber is now operational in 18 Indian cities, more than any other countries outside of United States (by number of operational cities).