Yu introduced the YuFit fitness band back in May for Rs. 999, which will go on sale finally on July 29th on Amazon.in. We unboxed it recently, check out the video.
Box Contents
- Yu Fit Core unit
- Wristband
- Charger
- User guide
- Warranty card
The YuFit has an OLED display to show time, notify incoming calls, SMS and can also be used to take images and videos remotely from your phone. It has YUFIT and HealthifyMe companion apps that can be downloaded from Google Play. The HealthifyMe app lets you track your day that includes steps taken, distance traveled and calories burned. It also lets you monitor your sleep, track food and count calories from food you eat.
It can also send emergency SMS and GPS location to assigned emergency contact. Yu also provides Fitness trainers, Nutritionists and Dietitians through specific packages powered by healthifyme. We will bring you the review of YuFit soon.