Chrome for iOS updated with Physical Web support and swipe to navigate

Google Chrome for iOS has been updated with a couple of new features. The latest update which bumps Chrome for iOS to version 44 brings Physical Web support and some navigation features.

First up, Chrome for iOS gets support for its Physical Web, which allows smart devices to communicate with your phone directly. The new Chrome for iOS integrates the Physical Web into the Chrome Today widget, enabling users to access an on-demand list of web content that is relevant to their surroundings. Physical Web is an open source approach that helps you build contextual interactions that people can discover. It takes advantage of Google’s recently announced Eddystone beacon technology and the new Proximity Beacon APIs in order to push information to devices over Bluetooth transmitters.

In addition, the update now lets you go back by swiping from left to right and go forward by swiping to left. These new swipe functions work only for pages you open in the same tab. Chrome for iOS was earlier updated in April with Today Widget, app extensions and more.

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Sneha Bokil: Sneha Bokil is a tech enthusiast and is currently using OnePlus 3T but she still treasures her Nokia N70 (M). You can follow her on Twitter @snehabokil and on Google+
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