Xiaomi sold the Mi 4 64GB variant at Rs. 17,999 for a day on Flipkart as a part of their Mi Anniversary. Today the company has announced that the price cut is permanent. This is the third permanent price cut for the smartphone since its launch. It was launched at a price tag of Rs. 23,99, received a price cut to Rs. 21,999 back in April and received its second price cut to Rs. 19,999 last month. So far the smartphone has received Rs. 6,000 price cut in total.
Xiaomi launched the Mi 4i 32GB variant in India for Rs. 14,999 earlier this week, which goes on sale starting from July 28th. It also launched Mi Headphones and Mi In-ear Headphones in the country for Rs. 5,499 and Rs. 999, respectively earlier this week.
The Mi 4 is available on Flipkart at new rate, but it is likely to be available from other retailers as well. Flipkart is also offering up to Rs. 5000 discount on Mi 4 in exchange for old smartphones. Check out our Xiaomi Mi 4 Review, if you are planning to get the smartphone.