Facebook had announced the testing of the Security Checkup tool in May on handful of users. Today the social network has expanded the feature worldwide.
Security Checkup was designed to walk users through all the security tools available to them, one by one, while asking them which ones they would like on or off. The first stage in the Security Checkup process basically tells you how you can log out of any device you haven’t used in a while. Next up, Facebook will show you how to set up alerts so that whenever your account is logged in on a new device and you will receive an email or Facebook notification. Once you click on the new option, Facebook will run you through several options to help keep your account safe. Lastly it will offer some suggestions for keeping a strong password, such as avoiding common words and not using your Facebook credentials elsewhere.
Security Checkup will be available globally via the web channel first with a mobile version promised to follow soon. Facebook said that the feature will show up as a reminder at the top of your News Feed over the next few weeks.