Apple is testing a new service that will let Siri transcribe voicemail messages, according to a latest report from the Business Insider. After these voicemails are transcribed, they are sent as text messages to your phones.
As per the report, the new service will be called as iCloud Voicemail and when Apple will send voice data to company servers, Siri will convert the words spoken into text. When a user misses a call, Siri will answer the call and can share information, such as where the recipient is and why they could not attend the call. The iCloud Voicemail service is currently being tested by Apple employees and is not available for public yet. The service is expected to be announced next year and could feature on iOS 10.
The iCloud Voicemail service sounds similar to Google Voice, that can access transcribed voicemails automatically via email. Apple has already improved Siri with new features and additions in iOS 9.