Picture Gallery – Nokia X6 16GB black Version!

Hey! I’m back with a brand new Picture Gallery, this Time i took some Pictures of the Nokia X6, which is Nokia’s next music-orientated Device.  I had the X6 for some Weeks now, thanks to Nokia Austria, and must say I really like it.

It feels pretty plastic and don’t like the Way HOW it is built (too much Space wasted), however the capacitive Screen make the Device a 100 Times better (at least for me). Nokia Messaging works nicely with my Gmail Account on it, but Symbian 5th Edition feels a bit outdated, still. But it’s true Qualities are in the Music, the X6 clearly shines here! The Speakers are as good as on the 5800XM (means: Awesome!) and the white In-Ear Headphones are excellent. And the best Thing? You can grab the 16GB Version for only about 300 Euro!

I have more to say about the X6 soon, but for now, enjoy my Picture Set of the Nokia X6, which can as usual be found in Full Size on my Flickr Page!

Michael Hell: Michael Hell, certified geek, mobile jedi, amateur photographer, music addict. Down to earth and always up for new challenges. Also blogging on www.michaelxhell.com, which is my private blog for things like Photography and personal things :) Feel free to add me on http://twitter.com/michaelxhell or http://www.facebook.com/michaelxhell
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