Micromax launched the Canvas Xpress 2, the company’s latest budget smartphone last month at a price tag of Rs. 5999. We already brought you the hands-on impressions, unboxing and the photo gallery of the smartphone, here we have its benchmarks. It is powered by an Octa-Core MediaTek MT6592M processor with 8 ARM Cortex-A7 CPUs clocked at 1.36 GHz per core and Mali 450-MP4 GPU. It has 1GB RAM, comes with a 5-inch HD display and runs on Android 4.4 (KitKat). Check out the synthetic benchmark results below.
AnTuTu Benchmark 5
It managed to score 28690 points in the AnTuTu Benchmark 5.
Vellamo 2.0 HTML5
It scored 2159 points in the Vellamo 2 HTML5 browser benchmark and grabs the second spot.
Vellamo 2.0 Metal
It managed to score 563 points in the Vellamo 2 Metal CPU subsystem performance test.
Linpack Single Thread
It clocked 116.76 MFLOPS in the Linpack Single Thread benchmark.
Linpack Multi-Thread
It managed to clock 275.15 MFLOPS in the Linpack Multi-Thread benchmark.
Geekbench 3 Single-Core
It managed to clock just 364 points in the Geekbench 3 Single-Core benchmark.
Geekbench 3 Multi-Core
It managed to score just 1998 points in the Geekbench 2 Multi-Core benchmark.
NenaMark 2
It clocked 58.6 fps in the NenaMark 2 GPU benchmark.
GFXBench 2.7 T-Rex (On screen)
It clocked 919.2 frames or 16 fps in the GFXBench 2.7 T-Rex OnScreen benchmark.
3DMark Ice Storm Unlimited
It managed to score 6316 points in the 3DMark Ice Storm Unlimited GPU benchmark.
Basemark X 1.0 HD (Onscreen)
It clocked around 8.13 fps in the Basemark X 1.0 OnScreen benchmark.
Basemark X 1.0 HD (Offscreen)
It managed to clock 4.54 fps in the Basemark X 1.0 OffScreen benchmark.
Basemark OS II
It managed to score 732 points in the Basemark OS II benchmark. These are synthetic benchmark scores. We could not run some benchmarks since those crashed. We will let you know about the real life performance of the smartphone in the complete review soon.