LG has announced that it will expand its high-fidelity (Hi-Fi) music service globally starting from this month for its customers who uses premium smartphones. This service was first introduced in Korea back in March 2014, where the cumulative downloads has topped 25 million. This will offer 24 bit/192kHz Hi-Fi studio-like audio experience, about 6 times the sound quality of a typical CD (16bit/44.1kHz).
LG introduced 24 bit/192kHz Hi-Fi playback first in the LG G2 smartphone, which is now present in all its high-end flagships, including the latest LG G4. This service will be available for the G4, G3, G2 and G Flex 2 users globally. In Korea, the service is also available for G3A, G Pro 2 and G Flex users.
The new LG Hi-Fi music service will be available via LG SmartWorld app and at lgworld.com in nearly 70 countries including the United States, Australia, Brazil, China, France, Italy, Russia and the United Kingdom, said the company. LG will also offer two free Hi-Fi tracks each month with an option to purchase songs at up to 50% off the regular price for the users.