LG has announced Watch Urbane Luxe , the company’s latest limited edition luxury Android Wear smartwatch with 23-karat gold body, ahead of IFA 2015. It has a similar design as the LG Watch Urbane that was introduced at the MWC earlier this year. It features handcrafted alligator leather strap with a deployment clasp for a fitted, elegant look and comes in an exclusive piano-gloss lacquer case.
The 23-karat gold used in the LG Watch Urbane Luxe is stronger and harder than the 24-karat gold used in jewelry and heavier than the 18-karat gold used in traditional luxury watches, said the company. Specifications of the smartwatch are similar to the Watch Urbane.
LG Watch Urbane Luxe specifications
- 1.3-inch P-OLED Display (320 x 320), 245ppi
- 1.2GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 processor
- Android Wear OS (compatible with smartphones running Android 4.3 and above)
- Size: 45.5 x 52.2 x 10.9mm
- Dust and Water Resistant (IP67)
- 23-karat gold finish
- Sensors: 9-Axis (Gyro/ Accelerometer/ Compass), Barometer, PPG (Heart Rate Sensor)
- 410mAh battery
LG will only make 500 limited edition watches engraved with its own serial number for authenticity. The LG Watch Urbane Luxe will be priced approximately at US$ 1200 (Rs. 79,560 approx.) when it goes on sale in the U.S. by the end of October. It will be available for pre-order at jeweler REEDS in September. LG will showcase the luxury smartwatch at the IFA 2015 from September 4th to 9th in Berlin.