Samsung launched the Galaxy Tab S2 9.7 (SM-T815Y), the company’s latest tablet in the new Tab S2 series in India for Rs. 39,400 earlier this month. We brought you the photo gallery of the tablet recently, here we have the unboxing.
Box Contents
- Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 9.7 in Gold color
- 2-pin AC charger (5V-2A)
- Micro USB cable
- SIM ejector tool
- Quick start guide and Warranty information
The Galaxy Tab S2 9.7 has a 9.7-inch (2048×1536 pixel) 4:3 QXGA Super AMOLED display. It is powered by Octa-Core Exynos 5433 (1.9 GHz + 1.3 GHz) processor with Mali T-760MP6 GPU and runs on Android 5.0 (Lollipop) with Samsung’s own UI on top. On the front it has a 2.1-megapixel camera along with ambient light sensor. It has a 4G LTE support and voice calling through wired or Bluetooth headset.
There is an 8-megapixel auto focus camera without LED flash on the back. It also has a 5,870mAh battery. Since it is 237.3mm or 9.34-inches wide, you can hold it comfortably if you have large hands. It is just 5.6mm thick, similar to the 8-inch Tab S2, making them the world’s slimmest tablets currently. T also comes in Black and White colors. We will bring you the benchmarks, gaming review and more in coming days.