Google Play Music family plan officially announced for $14.99 per month

Google has officially announced a family plan for Play Music following a report earlier today. With the latest family plan, up to six people can create different profiles to access their favorite music on Play Music.

Google Play Music fmaily plan

The family plan is helpful as it saves you from paying for multiple individual accounts and share a single family subscription. As you can set 6 different profiles, Google Play can offer you music recommendations that work for individual tastes. With Play Music, each member of the family will be able to listen on any device. For comparison Apple Music’s family plan costs exactly similar to Google’s family plan. While Spotify currently asks for $5 for each additional family member ( $29.99 for five members) on top of their standard $9.99.

Google Play Music is available in 58 countries for Android and iOS devices. Google said that family plan for Play Music will be available later this year.

Author: Sneha Bokil

Sneha Bokil is a tech enthusiast and is currently using OnePlus 3T but she still treasures her Nokia N70 (M). You can follow her on Twitter @snehabokil and on Google+