Apple confirmed last week that the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus will go on sale in India on October 16th. According to reports, Apple has revealed the pricing for the new iPhone 6s and 6s Plus smartphones to the offline retailers. This reveals that the iPhone 6s will start at Rs. 62,000 for the base 16GB version and go up to Rs. 82,000 for the 128GB version, while the iPhone 6s Plus will start at Rs. 72,000 for the 16GB variant and go up to Rs. 92,000 for the 128GB version.
The iPhone 6 was launched in India last year at Rs. 53,500 for the 16GB version and the iPhone 6 Plus was launched at Rs. 62,500 for 16GB version. The base variant of the iPhone 6s will be Rs. 8,500 more than last year’s iPhone 6, while the top-end variant will be Rs. 10,500 more than 128GB iPhone 6. The base variant of the iPhone 6s Plus will be Rs. 9,500 more than the 16GB iPhone 6 Plus and the top-end iPhone 6s Plus will be Rs. 11,500 more compared to last year’s 128GB iPhone 6 Plus.
Apple iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus Pricing
- Apple iPhone 6s (16GB) – Rs. 62,000
- Apple iPhone 6s (64GB) – Rs. 72,000
- Apple iPhone 6s (128GB) – Rs. 82,000
- Apple iPhone 6s Plus (16GB) – Rs. 72,000
- Apple iPhone 6s Plus (64GB) – Rs. 82,000
- Apple iPhone 6s Plus (128GB) – Rs. 92,000
The new listing also mentions price cuts for iPhone 5s, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus smartphones that we reported last month. The Apple iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus come in gold, silver, space grey and new rose gold colors. Both the phones went on pre-order recently on Infibeam, which has now removed the pricing for the phones. It is now taking pre-orders at Rs. 1000 so you can pay the remaining amount later. It also promises to deliver the iPhones on the launch date, October 16th in selected cities.