Airtel has launched its 4G LTE services in Sambalpur in Orissa, after it launched it in Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, Rourkela, Balasore and Brahmapur. Airtel launched 4G services in 296 towns across India in August. Airtel 4G is available to customers across mobile phones, dongles, 4G hotspots and Wi-Fi dongles in the city.
For existing Airtel customers, the company is offering a complimentary upgrade to Airtel 4G at same price as 3G. Airtel is offering six months of unlimited music streaming and downloads on Wynk Music and five free movies per month for six months on the Eros Now channel of Wynk Movies with every 4G SIM swap. It also launched a new range of Infinity Plans starting Rs. 999 with unlimited voice calls, including roaming on mobile, 4G data and access to Wynk Movies and Wynk Music.
Flipkart will be offering Airtel 4G with double data benefits for customers buying select Flipkart-exclusive 4G handsets. Samsung will also offer double data on Galaxy S6, Galaxy S6 Edge, Galaxy A7, Galaxy A5, Galaxy J5, Galaxy J7, Galaxy A8 and Galaxy S6 edge+.
Customers who have a smartphone with 4G support can upgrade to a 4G SIM at their nearest Airtel retail touch points in the city or visit to request for a 4G SIM swap.
Commenting on the launch of Airtel 4G in the city, Ravindra Singh Negi, CEO – West Bengal & Odisha, Bharti Airtel said:
As customers in India show an increasing propensity for consuming data services, we at Airtel are excited to take the lead in introducing the market to the power of blazing 4G speeds. With the help of the feedback received from the beta launches, we have now built India’s first commercial 4G network. Today, as we launch Airtel 4G for our customers in Sambalpur, they will be uniquely positioned for a superlative 4G experience. We are committed to building a world class 4G network in the region.