Android 2.2 to get Inbuilt Flash Support

Its official now! Android 2.2 will get an inbuilt Flash Support from Google.

In an interview to the New York Times, Andy Rubin, VP for Engineering at Google and one of the Chief Android Architect, told that Android 2.2, codenamed “Froyo” will fully support Flash.

He said “Sometimes being open means not being militant about the things consumer are actually enjoying” which was pointed at Apple’s Decision to ban the use of Adobe’s Flash-to-iPhone Compiler and blocking all Flash applications in its upcoming iPhone 4.0.

He also said that they are trying to keep the Android Platform as open as possible for all the developers. He said:

“We use the same tools we expect our third-party developers to. We have an SDK we give to developers. and when we write our Gmail app, we use the same SDK. A lot of guys have private APIs. We don’t. That’s on policy and on technology. If there’s a secret API to hook into billing system we open up that billing system to third parties. If there’s a secret API to allow application multitasking, we open it up. There are no secret APIs. That is important to highlight for Android sake. Open is open and we live by our own implementations.”

When jokingly quizzed about the stolen phones, he said he would be very happy with that kind of attention for Android since, with openness comes less secrets.

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Author: Vikas SN

A Complete Mobile freak. Regularly Blogs about Mobiles at and Tweets as @tsuvik
