The latest smartphone from OnePlus, the OnePlus X has just been announced. It comes in two variants, an glass back model called Onyx and a ceramic back limited edition called Ceramic. We’ve compiled a list of prices of the smartphone in various regions around the world.
Country/Region | Currency | OnePlus X – Onyx | OnePlus X – Ceramic |
USA | USD | 249 | 349 |
Europe | EUR | 269 | 369 |
India | INR | 16999 | 22999 |
UK | GBP | 199 | 269 |
Hong Kong | HKD | 1859 | 2699 |
Canada | CAD | 329 | 449 |
Sweden | SEK | 2549 | 3499 |
Denmark | DKK | 2049 | 2799 |
Hungary | HUF | 84990 | 109990 |
Czech Replublic | CZK | 7299 | 9499 |
Poland | PLN | 1149 | 1499 |