OnePlus introduced the OnePlus X, it’s latest smartphone few hours back. It also introduced new cases for the smartphone that comes in five versions – Rosewood, Sandstone, Black Apricot, Bamboo and Karbon. It also offers Silicone cases in Five colors, Black, Blue, Red and White. Unlike the OnePlus One and the OnePlus 2, back cover of the OnePlus X is not removable, hence the company has introduced these back cases for the smartphone.
Highlights of OnePlus X Cases
- OnePlus X Sandstone Case – Synonymous with the OnePlus brand, our one-of-a-kind Sandstone material is available as a protective case for the OnePlus X. Without being too soft or too rough, the Sandstone strikes a perfect textural balance.
- OnePlus X Black Apricot Case – Each Black Apricot OnePlus X Case is made from real Black Apricot wood sourced from Morocco, then stained and molded to fit your device perfectly. Every case made has its own individual black and white grain texture.
- OnePlus X Rosewood Case – Fine wood materials, compact form, and a smooth texture make up the distinctive qualities of this protective case. Crafted from South American Rosewood, you can adorn your OnePlus X with a beautiful, dark-stained natural wood.
- OnePlus X Bamboo Case – The durable and high-quality Nan Bamboo lends its most elegant attributes to our OnePlus X Bamboo Case. Following a high-temperature molding process, the bamboo fits your device like a glove. With 100% real bamboo, no two cases are alike.
- OnePlus X Karbon Case – The OnePlus X Karbon Case utilizes real DuPont Kevlar fiber that’s also found in bulletproof materials. Sporting a subtle black and gray geometric design, your OnePlus X will have an extra layer of stylish protection.
- OnePlus X Silicone Case – With OnePlus X Silicone Cases, you get the best of both worlds: hard plastic protection and a soft, grippy tactile feel from the silicone. Featuring an enclosed top and cutouts for the headphone jack and Alert Slider, your phone is protected from all angles while remaining practical. For an added bonus, the case comes lined with a special microfiber fabric that keeps your phone clean and fingerprint-free.
The OnePlus X Sandstone Case and Silicone Cases are priced at $14.99 (Rs. 980 approx.), each, while the Rosewood, Black Apricot, Bamboo and Karbon cases are priced at $ 24.99 (Rs. 1630 approx.), each. These cases would be available from in the US from November 5th. These are also expected to launch in India next month, but no word on pricing yet.