Xolo launched the BLACK 1X, its second BLACK series smartphone last week priced at Rs. 9999. We already brought you the unboxing and first impressions of the device, here we have camera samples from the smartphone.
The BLACK 1X packs a 13-megapixel rear camera with single LED flash. It has f/2.8 aperture and uses Samsung 3M2 sensor. It also has phase-detection auto-focus (PDAF) that lets you focus in just 0.15 seconds, according to Xolo. It has a 5-megapixel front-facing camera with f/2.2 aperture.
It has a familiar MediaTek camera UI with several modes like Live photo, motion tracking, panorama and multi angle view, different scene modes (Mono, Sepia, Negative, Posterize, Aqua, Blackboard, Whiteboard, Fresh, Movie, Calm, Memory, Gorgeous, Elegant and Cool). It also has gesture capture that captures images when two finger ‘V’ gesture is detected.
Coming to the image quality, daylight images are decent, but it’s not the best. Since it has only f/2.8 aperture it doesn’t focus properly for macro shots. Thanks to PDAF it focuses quickly. HDR images are the best among the other modes that captures every detail in bright colors, but you need to keep the camera steady to prevent ghosting. Low light images are full of noise and doesn’t have any details. Flash helps in capturing images in low lighting conditions and is not overpowering. Front-facing camera is not good in indoor conditions since it has a lot of noise. Flash on the front helps to brighten up the images and it even has face detection, but it doesn’t focus properly.
Check out some camera samples below (click the image to view the full resolution sample).
Low Light
Front Camera
It can record videos at 1080p resolution at 30fps. Video quality is good, but it keeps on focusing, spoiling the video. It also has EIS, which is software stabilization. Audio is not crisp since it lacks a secondary microphone. Check out the full HD sample below.