Beats Music, a subscription-based online music streaming service from Beats Electronics was launched in the US back in January 2014. Apple acquired Beats Music and Beats Electronics for $3 billion in May last year. It launched Apple Music service in June, which went live on iOS, Mac and PC on June 30th in over 100 countries, including India.. The Android app went live earlier this week.
Today, Apple announced that it will shut down Beat Music service on November 30th. It stopped accepting new subscribers for Beats Music back in June when Apple Music was launched.
Beats Music ends on November 30. Your subscription will be cancelled, but you can move your picks and preferences over to Apple Music right now.
All the pros that curated music for you are still crafting more amazing experiences. Plus, on Apple Music, you’ll get even better recommendations based on music you already listen to and love, 24/7 global radio with Beats 1, exciting material from your favorite artist, and more.
If you are still using Beat Music, it is the time to move to Apple Music. You can move your playlists, library, recommendations, and more from Beats Music to Apple Music easily. You can read more about the process here.