Like most rivalries in the technological world, Whatsapp’s main rival is probably Telegram, which many arguably state is the more advanced IM client. Telegram is always quick to roll out features and describes itself as a safer option for users. Whatsapp also seems to understand that Telegram is serious about what they do and now, Telegram links are being blocked on Whatsapp.
While users can still send URLs containing as messages, the URLs sent do not show up as hyperlinks. Whatsapp also prevents users from copying and pasting the same message onto another app.
While not all devices showed similar signs of blockage, the app did block all Telegram links on phones that did. Telegram links to individual profiles, individual messages and chat rooms are all blocked. The change apparently if effective on devices which received a silent update early during 30th November 2015.
The update seems to be a staged silent rollout which explains why it isn’t happening on every device with Whatsapp installed. Not registering the URLs as hyperlinks may still be fine but not allowing a user to copy the link is a really bad move.
Neither Whatsapp nor Facebook have commented on the matter so its not clear if this is intentional or not. But like a spokesman from Telegram said, they will most likely state that it was unintentional and remove the filter if they face too much of a backlash.