After Bangalore, Uber has launched UberPool, its ride-sharing service in Delhi. This lets users share their ride and the cost with another person who is requesting a ride along a similar route. You will get vehicles that are available on uberX and uberGO, but the trips are 10 to 30% cheaper than uberGO, making it the cheapest Uber.
How to use uberPOOL?
- Slide over to the uberGO option on your app
- Set your pickup location and drop-off locations and request
- You’ll see 2 options – “Share your car” and “Get your own car”
- “Share your car” is uberPOOL with a guaranteed fare upfront, so you know exactly what you’re going to pay
- Request! You might get matched with another rider going the same way
- Regardless of whether you’re matched or not, the fare will always be less than uberGO
- Currently uberPOOL is available only between 7AM – 9PM, 7 days a week. You can choose to use Cash, PayTM, Airtel Money, Credit or even Debit card.
uberPOOL is available between 7AM to 9PM, 7 days a week, but it can be requested only from select places in Delhi and each request can have a maximum of 2 riders per pick up. You will be matched with another requester, for up to 4 riders in total. You can read more about the available location on the Uber Blog here.