Why you should consider buying an Intel Skylake powered computer


When you think of processors, Intel is the first name that comes to mind. That is because Intel has a long history of manufacturing industry leading processors for computing. Their journey began in 1971 when they created the Intel 4004* 4 bit processor which was one of the first commercially available microprocessor.


Moore’s Law** which is an observation coined by Gordon Moore, one of the co-founders of Intel states that the number of transistors on a dense integrated circuit will double approximately every two years.


Since then, Intel has pioneered several game changing developments in the computing world. Their processor have gotten not just smaller in size, but also more powerful and more power efficient. In 2007, Intel unveiled the Core lineup of microprocessors which has won acclaim from both consumers as well as critics over the years and remains the benchmark in processing power for computers.

Intel has been following a method called “Tick-Tock”*** for every change in the manufacturing process. A tick refers to the shrinking of a previous microarchitecture technology while a tock refers to a new microarchitecture.


In August 2015, Intel launched its 6th generation of their Core lineup codenamed Skylake. It succeeds the 5th generation Broadwell microarchitecture and uses the same 14nm manufacturing process. Broadwell was the tick that introduced the 14nm manufacturing process while Skylake is the tock that brings about a new microarchitecture. However, Skylake brings about much improved CPU and GPU performance as well as lower power consumption.

Intel says that Skylake represents the most significant leap in processor lineup in over a decade. The processors are available under different families in different configurations to meet a wide variety of needs. Skylake processors will power desktop PCs, AIOs (All in Ones), Laptops and 2 in 1s.


They provide unmatched performance as well as improved power efficiency to make sure that you have the best of both worlds. The 3D graphics performance is 30 times more powerful than a 5 year old PC and the battery life is thrice as much as compared to a 5 year old PC. ****

They support an Instant On feature that will bring your computer from zero to compute in just 0.5 seconds. **** The Skylake processors have also been optimized to run the latest version of Windows i.e. Windows 10 smoothly. All these factors combined together make sure that you can make the best use of your time.


However, manufacturing smaller and smaller processors with more and more power gets difficult. This is where companies like Intel do their research and find methods to make it possible so that users can have a much better experience at the end of the day. Don’t expect Intel to just rest on their laurels though. Technology is developing at an increasingly rapid rate these days and Intel will be at the forefront of the next generation processors as well.


So if you are planning to get a new computer, you should definitely consider one with a Skylake processor ticking inside that can provide you with all of these benefits.

Check out the source for more information on what devices are powered by Intel’s Skylake processors.

(Sources) : Intel

Disclaimer :Intel® Core processor specifications have been picked from Intel® official website.


*Information about Intel 4004 4 bit processor was collected from http://www.intel.co.uk/content/www/uk/en/history/museum-story-of-intel-4004.html

** To know more about Moore’s Law, visit http://www.intel.in/content/www/in/en/silicon-innovations/moores-law-technology.html

*** To know more about the Intel Tick-Tock mode, visit http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/silicon-innovations/intel-tick-tock-model-general.html

**** Performance statistics have been taken from Intel’s website. For more details, visit http://www.intel.in/content/www/in/en/processors/core/core-processor-family.html

Disclaimer: This story is a sponsored content.

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